This is a test post. We're preparing for Tanzania, working out all the details, almost ready to begin raising the support we need for our mission... We're excited about going back to Africa, and our girls are ready to go, which is amazing. We're excited about the ministry we will get to be part of -- working closely with local churches in Tanzania to transform their communities through simple grassroots interventions like fuel efficient cooking stoves and the planting of trees and improved agriculture practices. The project started with the fuel efficient stoves, which are portable clay cooking stoves made from local resources and use much less firewood -- the same stoves we promoted in Malawi. The stoves have been a great success so now it is time to expand by building on this simple intervention with forestry and agriculture practices that will further improve the lives of the people in these communities and reduce deforestation. Anyway, great stuff to be a part of. Stay tuned for more to come...