Christmas greetings from Tanzania! We wish you
and yours God's blessings during this Christmas season and in the
New Year! [click to view/print full size]
For us it certainly does not 'feel' like Christmas. It feels a lot more like spring here in Tanzania. The rains have just started, farmers are busy preparing and planting their fields, and the landscape is turning green after months of no rain. There is no commercial Christmas atmosphere here in Tanzania, no decorations, no mad rush for Christmas shopping. But regardless of whether it feels like Christmas or Spring, we will take the opportunity to celebrate the amazing gift of God's grace through the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. This quite and simple Christmas holiday reminds us of that day when Jesus was born in a stable without much fanfare except the shepherds and wise men paying their respects to this unlikely Saviour.
Our latest newsletter was also sent out today. You can read it here for the latest updates and prayer requests.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and God's blessing on the New Year ahead.
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